Likeness is one of those super simple no-brainer applications. You install it, take a 15 second quiz and it tells you which of your friends you are most like.
The simplicity of the app makes it fun and easy to use, with very little investment of your time.
There are a few things that are annoying. The application makes me feel like it was quickly written with the intention of marketing their Super Wall. After every quiz, the app will prompt you to invite your friends… and the interface looks like it was designed by a South American spider monkey. But hey… it works.

Hey Jamie, we’re “Twins”!!!
The quizes are quick and fun, featuring a single question and 10 answers to be ordered from best to worst.
Example: Pet Peeves (penny pinchers, emo, stubbornness, bad drivers, people who flake, rudeness, poor hygiene, excessively flirty, indecisiveness, messiness)
Most are fun to take and you’ll quickly find many friends that have already taken them. But some just won’t make sense for their best to worst ordering.
This app is worth checking out… chances are, your friends already have.
Update – Dec 5 2007 6:40pm
This application will spam notifications to all your friends (that have it installed) of your “likeness”.
This is just from one of their tests…

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