The 12 Walls of Facebook — Part 3
Nov 29, 2007 in Chat, Facebook, Messaging, Photo, Utility, Video
Emotion Wall
Emotion Wall is a little known wall with only 199 daily active users.
It’s got some great features, lets you import YouTube videos and images into your posts. It’s got a simple interface and even has a few cute emoticons. It uses a BBC style code to insert the images and videos which is neat.
Wall owners can create a sticky at the top of their wall and users have the option to post private messages.

Though, it’s a little spammier than I’d like for an application and will push an ad in your face at every opportunity. Clicking on ‘More’ brings you to a page with more options for posting. Though part of the form is to “invite friends to write on my wall” and it’s always checked.
I had to disable my mini-feed as every change I made blasted an announcement out to all my friends. After about 10 seconds I have 4 items to nuke from my news feed.
It’s not a bad wall and if you don’t mind subjecting your friends to advertising torture you might want to check it out, just be sure to disable it’s access to your mini-feed or you’ll be sorry.
Classic Wall
I really wanted to review this application because it boasts interesting features such as “Historically accurate representation of the pre-September 2005 Facebook Wall!”
Well, long story short… it doesn’t work… but somehow 31 of his friends still have it installed.
Comment Wall
Seems like every wall application makes big claims that they usually can’t live up to like “Get rid of your old and crappy wall and get a little more creative :)”. Well, this one did just that.
The wall does have some good features, like HTML in your comments.
You can also add a video or image — I think. The interface to do so is extremely unfriendly. After clicking the “Add Image or Video” button and being presented with such an incredibly complex page, I gave up and just clicked my back button.
I like the simplicity on (only) the profile page, it didn’t spam my news feed for every action I performed and no ads (seriously — no ads). It has good features, but it’s just not user friendly.
There’s a reason why this wall only has 25 daily active users — they were the only people on Facebook that could figure it out.
My Appology
Sorry about the post today. The other wall review posts were more interesting as they had walls actually worth checking out. I had higher expectations for these walls, but hopefully I saved you some time.
- The 12 Walls of Facebook — Part 1
- The 12 Walls of Facebook — Part 2
- The 12 Walls of Facebook — Part 3
- The 12 Walls of Facebook — Part 4