Which Olsen Twin Are You?

Wednesday, November 21st, 2007 @ 2:39 pm | 1 Star, Facebook

Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

Yes — that’s right, the answer to life’s looming question is finally here! Which Olsen Twin Are You? is the Facebook application designed to help you sleep at night by riding your subconscious of this burning question. Brought to us by the minds of Katherine Barscay and Tomas Lin.

Mary-Kate or Ashley?

Which Olsen Twin Are You? presents you with two columns of choices that you are to choose your favorite from for each row. There’s about 10 questions in total. Based on your answers it then proceeds to tell you which Olsen twin you are. My results: Ashley.

What Olsen Twin Are You: Ashley

Katherine and Tomas claim this app was inspired by the following video. Does Facebook need applications like this? You decide.


The Result

After spending about 1-2 minutes installing this application and answering the questions to have the answer revealed to me I can honestly say I will no longer wonder which Olsen Twin I am. So what’s the point of having this in my profile box?

What Olsen Twin Are You Profile Box


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3 Responses to “Which Olsen Twin Are You?”

  1. joelnet Says:

    I can’t believe there are 11 daily active users on this app.

  2. Jamie Hiyama Says:

    I’m whichever one is on Weeds.

  3. What Apps » Blog Archive » Will the real Olsen Twin please stand up? Says:

    […] too funny not to share. A reader messaged me to inform me that there is a hidden Easter Egg in the Which Olsen Twin Are You Facebook application I reviewed earlier this week. Apparently it unlocks a hidden third identity. […]

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